3. The Author of the Trust and Board of Trustees


The Author of the Trust:

The Author of the Trust is the Settler or Founder of this Trust so established for the purpose of carrying on the objectives of the Trust as mentioned hereinafter under the objects clauses of this DEED OF TRUST, and who irrevocably endowed a sum of funds upon the Trust for its objects mentioned in this Deed of Trust and that have already been transferred / paid / hand-over the property / funds to the Trustees mentioned in this Deed of Trust.


Board of Trustees:

The Trustees should be desirous for services as mentioned in the objects of this Trust Deed for the benefit of all persons belonging to poor and under-privilege communities irrespective of caste, creed, culture, religion and nationality. The Trustees shall stand possessed of the said amount of corpus endowed by the Author of the Trust, and such other properties (both movable and immovable) as may be acquired from time to time by the Trust by purchase, exchange, grant, allotment, subscription, endowment, donation, contribution or in any manner to whatsoever (all of which shall be designed as Trust properties) on the Trust herein mentioned.

The following persons will be the First Trustees:

1   Mr. TH. KOIRENTH MARING                             =       MANAGING TRUSTEE
2   Mrs. SAKA MOIRAN MARING                                     =       TRUSTEE
3   Mr. TOWERSON THANGSHA MARING                       =         TRUSTEE

4   TH MEKHURJI MARING                                               =       TRUSTEE


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