NOW this Deed of Declaration of Trust witnessed as under:



The Trust hereby established shall be named as “PARENTAL UPHOLDER TRUST”


Commencement of Trust:

This Trust has commenced from 1st Day of December 2019


Registered Office:

The Registered Office of the Trust shall be situated in MANIPUR and the present address of the Trust will be at Kwarok Maring Village or at any other place as the Trustees may decide from time to time.


Area of Operation:

The area of operation of the established Trust shall be all over India.


Main Objects:

The main objects for which the Trust is established are:

i)          To take up any community development projects in the field of economic, education, social, healthcare etc. for the poor and needy peoples in the country.

ii)          To establish, found, set up, construct, build and run, manage and maintain cultural centers, training centers, institutions, seminaries, colleges, schools, libraries for promotion of mental faculty, spiritual life, physical fitness, cultures and traditional way of life toward peace, unity and harmony among all peoples.

iii)         To establish, set up, run, maintain vocational training centers for skill enhancement and for self-employment of youths.

iv)         To ensure the proper respect and foster of different cultures so as to establish better understanding, co-ordination and unity amongst all ethnic minorities and their respective social institutions.

v)         To promote and research in the field of various traditional and cultural activities such as folk dances, folk music, folk dramas and theatre etc.

vi)         To organize promote and assist and short and long term training courses in the process of capacity building for the furtherance of the objectives.

vii)        To undertake, promote and develop the study, survey, research and evaluation of socio economic problems and to publish periodicals, journals, monographs, pamphlets, souvenirs etc. with a scope to educate the general public.

viii)       To organize, run, maintain, operate and promote the work of interior decorators, furniture and furnishing designers, manufacturers, fashion centers, fashion shows and to make, acquire, deal in handicrafts, handloom, embroidery, textile fabric items.

ix)         To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the eradication of social evils such as dowry system, wastage of money in public functions, use of intoxicated drugs, child marriage, child labor and other social evils.

x)         To establish, run, maintain, manage or support Children’s Homes, Girls and Boys Hostels for poor and needy children, underprivileged students irrespective of caste, color, religion and gender.

xi)         To provide, run, maintain, establish and setup free medical, healthcare, treatment and de-addiction centers for overcoming health problems and prevent drug, alcohol abuse and addiction.

xii)        To establish, set up, maintain, run, manage homes for old aged persons, women and children in difficult circumstances and other relief centers for poor, needy and destitute people including orphans, widows, handicapped, physically challenged persons and old aged persons.

xiii)       To carry on, engage in the activity of exporters and importers, buyers, sellers, processors and manufacturers of both traditional and non-traditional items, agricultural commodities, handicrafts, handlooms, and household articles.

xiv)       To promote and strengthen physical, cultural, social and moral education and other charitable purposes for the ethnic, minority communities, general members as well as for general public.

xv)        To establish, develop and maintain or support hospitals, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers and / or such other similar charitable institutions for the benefits and use of tribal, poor, backward and minority communities.

xvi)       To grow, take on lease, acquire, develop, deal in plantations and to process in all aspect, timber, wood, plywood and all kinds of wood and to make products where wood is a constituent part and to design, develop, fabricate any products involving the use of wood.

xvii)      To provide, run, maintain, setup, establish or take franchise centers, institutions, schools, colleges for promotion, study, learning and training in performing arts, dramas, theatre, music such as classical, traditional, folk, western, modern etc.

xviii)     To establish, develop and maintain learning and training institutions for the physically handicapped or mentally retarded persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other helps.

xix)       To engage in the activities of farming, horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, sericulture, dairies, fisheries, poultries, cultivators of all kinds of food-grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicinal plants and to set up, run, maintain processing plants, machineries and for preserving the same.

xx)        To take up healthcare and family welfare activities for prevention of HIV/AIDS and drug abuses through prevention and rehabilitation programs.

xxi)         To organize HIV/AIDS awareness program / and to open counseling center(s) and take up rehabilitation program for the benefit of the affected people.

xxii)      To take up habited and housing development for the welfare of the people as well as sanitary program in the rural and hill areas to promote hygienic way of life.

xxiii)     To undertake and transact all kinds of agency activities and to carry on and promote any activities commercial or otherwise under sound principle and / or to act as distributors, agents, representation and indenting agent on commission, allowances as may be deemed fit in all commodities, merchandise and other allied articles / lines of activities.

xxiv)     To set up libraries, recreational & fitness centers where necessary for promoting  dissemination of information, educational knowledge, sports and healthy living among youths in the country.

xxv)      To promote and take up the primary & adult education for those in needs, and for such, to establish set up, run, maintain or take-over any building, institution, school or center at any place in the country.

xxvi)     To promote, propagate and hold spiritual meetings, holy convocations and conferences and to establish, maintain, run worship places and assemblies in order that believers, followers may have opportunity to meet together for worship God and that they may be instructed in the truth of Holy Scripture toward peaceful, pious and honorable lifestyle.

xxvii)    To arrange, organize and held periodical lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops, symposia and capacity building programs for the development of knowledge of literate and illiterate persons.

xxiii)     To acquire, build, alter, maintain, remove or replace and to work, manage and control any buildings, offices, shops, machineries and conveniences which may seem necessary to achieve the main objects of the Trust.

xxix)     To conduct research, hold seminars and conferences, organize and promote exhibitions, shows and other similar activities for furtherance of peace, unity and harmony in the country.

xxx)      To take up any humanitarian activities to help the local people in needs and to render rehabilitation services to the people in the event of natural calamities and disasters such as fire, drought, flood, famine, earthquake, hurricane, storms, ethnic violence and allied.

xxxi)     To acquire and accepts gifts, donation, grants from the State Government, Central Government, Foreign Funding Agencies, Financial Institutions etc. of every kind of assistance in furtherance of the objects and to levy and recover charges/fees for the services rendered by the Trust.

xxxii)    To raise funds as and when necessary by borrowing from Banks and any other financial institutions for any approved agency for the objects of the Trust. 

xxxiii)    To raise fund by receiving donations, subscriptions from members and public well wishers and Grant-in-aids from Government, local bodies and International agencies for any activity, project, program for the attainment of the objects of the Trust.

xxxiv)   To receive, accept donations, gifts, awards, prizes from Government and semi-Government, Institutions, Bodies and to give gifts and donations for the welfare of disadvantaged peoples, tribes, communities for the attainment of the objects of the Trust.

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