7. Amendment to the Deed


Amendment to the Deed:

If required the Board of Trustees in their meeting called for this purpose may adopt resolution for amendment in the Deed by two third majority of the total number of the Trustees with approval of the Author / Settler Trustee in written form. The name of the Trust must not be changed at any time.


Public Charitable Trust:

It is hereby agreed and declared that this Trust is a Public / Charitable Trust and shall be registered and recognized in accordance with the Provision of Central or State Law in force in India from time to time including the Income Tax Act, 1961.


Power to amend the Rules:

If in the opinion of the Board of Trustees and circumstances so require, the Trustees may, with approval of the Author / Settler Trustee in written form, make any amendment in the Rules they may consider necessary for the better management or administration of the Trust activities or for carrying out the objects of the Trust.


Power to make Rules and Regulations:

In addition to the aforesaid Rules, the Board of Trustees with approval and authorized from Author / Settler Trustee in written form may from time to time be entitled to make Rules and Regulations for the administration and management of the Trust of THESE PRESENTS provided such Rules and Regulations shall not be repugnant to or offensive against or be inconsistent with the provision or the purpose of the Trust hereof.


Power to amalgamate with Institutions:

The Author / Settler Trustee shall be at liberty to allow and permit any other Trust, Institutions or any charity organizations in any local area or areas whose objects are the same or similar with this Trust to merge or join together in carrying out the objects or activities of the Trust provided that no conditions are accepted which involve a change in the name of the Trust or are inconsistent with or repugnant to the objects thereof.


Indemnity to the Trustees:

The Board of Trustees for the time being of THESE PRESENTS shall be chargeable to only such money, stock, funds, deposits and securities as they shall actually receive notwithstanding their signing of any receipts for the same of conformity and shall be answerable or accountable only for their own acts, receipts, neglects, defaults and not for those of any banker, auctioneers or any other person with whom or into whose hands Trust money or securities may be deposited or come in accordance with THESE PRESENTS nor for the deterioration or lose of the stocks, funds, deposits or securities nor for any defects or insufficiency of title or any other losses unless the same shall happen through their own.

The Board of Trustees of THESE PRESENTS are entitled to be reimbursed and also to pay and discharge out of the Trust fund all expenses incurred by them or on their behalf in or about the execution of the Trust and powers of THESE PRESENTS.


Allowances to Office Bearers Trustees:

If at any time any Trustees acts as a whole time Office Bearer of the Trust or renders any special services, the Board of Trustees may, in their discretion, pay reasonable remuneration or allowances as they may think proper.

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